Let Us Be Heard

I had the pleasure of speaking to over 1000 people at the launch of People’s Vote North in Leeds on 22 June 2019 alongside such figures as Alastair Campell, Hilary Benn, and John Barnes. This was my speech.

Hello everyone. My name is Andrew, I’m 23, and I’m a Conservative.

I’ve campaigned for my party, supporting good local MPs here in Leeds, and I’ve twice stood in local elections at home in Newcastle.

In 2016, I campaigned to Remain. Then, just as now, I proudly stood alongside friends from other parties defending our common values.

Although we won in Newcastle, the country voted to leave the European Union. I respect that result, and I respect the Prime Minister for trying to deliver on it.

After the referendum, I wanted to move forward and bring the country together in the spirit of compromise. What has emerged from that process, though, does not deliver on what was promised. It leaves us worse off, with less control.

I was once implacably opposed to another referendum, but Parliament is stuck, and the evidence shows the country is changing its mind just as I have.

Back in 1977, aged just 16, William Hague asked at party conference: what sort of world do young people want?

Young people believe in change. Change in the environment, change in the economy, change in our Big Society.

We do not accept the argument that the government knows what is good for the people better than the people do.

We don’t want to go to Farage’s promised land, which must surely rank as the most abhorrent and miserable land that has ever been promised to the people of a nation state.

What has become of my party? The party of opportunity, now stripping it away from young people. The party of business, favouring a leader whose attitude boils down to two words I shouldn’t repeat on stage. The party of the union, pursuing a policy set to tear it apart.

People say delivering Brexit is existential to the Conservative party, but it seems obvious to me that if what is in the party interest is not aligned with the national interest, it won’t be in the party’s interest for very long.

It’s alright for some of you, half of you won’t be here in 30 or 40 years time, but we will, and we want a final say on our future. We demand a People’s Vote, let us be heard.



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