
A very public standoff emerged this week between the UK’s largest supermarket chain, Tesco, and multinational brand giant, Unilever. The supplier attempted to raise its prices by 10%, citing an increase in costs due to Brexit, but Tesco refused to accept the change. Products, most notably Marmite, were withdrawn from its website and began to disappear from store shelves as stock levels fell. It later emerged that Unilever was trying to use Brexit as a smokescreen to cover general price hikes, and the two came to a negotiated solution, but it does foreshadow real problems to come.

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Equal is the Fury

Feminism began in the nineteenth century as a social movement advocating increases in the rights and independence of women, especially in regard to universal suffrage. With each “wave” of feminism, however, the goals of the movement have been pushed further, to the extent that an early feminist would be unlikely to identify as such today.

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